

Track and collaborate on everything that your baby "needs"...

bebe.report is a platform that helps you to track and collaborate on all your baby's needs—from breastfeeding to diaper changes, nap, sleep, and playtime—seamlessly with your partner, caregivers, pediatricians, and nannies...

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The Story Behind bebe.report

We are Michel and Jacqueline, first-time parents, who created this app to help take better care of our baby, Eliot.

When Eliot was born, his doctor recommended that we track his feeding times to ensure he was getting enough milk, as he tended to be a very sleepy baby.

Like most parents, we often wondered: Why is he crying? When was his last diaper change or feeding, and how much milk did he have? Having quick answers to these questions made a huge difference for us, and that’s why we built bebe.report.

The Story

What is bebe.report?

bebe.report is an intuitive mobile app designed to log your baby's key activities, such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, diaper changes, and sleep routines.

Babies thrive on consistency, and this app helps parents maintain a predictable schedule.

It’s simple, fuss-free, and shareable across multiple devices, ensuring both parents and caregivers are always in sync.

By tracking feeding times, diaper changes, and other key milestones, parents can better anticipate their baby's needs. This information is not only essential for you, but it’s also valuable for pediatric check-ups and consultations, making it easier for healthcare professionals to understand your baby’s routine.

What is Bebe.report

Why Choose bebe.report?

  • Understand Your Baby's Needs
    One of the biggest challenges for new parents is figuring out why their baby is crying. Is it time for a diaper change? Are they hungry? With bebe.report, you can track your baby's habits, learn their routine, and even set alerts for when it's time for a feeding or diaper change.
  • Share Parenting Duties with Ease
    The app makes it simple for both parents to share caregiving responsibilities. By having up-to-date information on your baby's routine, either parent (or caregiver) can step in when needed. This data also serves as a useful reference during pediatric appointments.

Why you should use bebe.report?

Key Features


Activity Logging

Track everything: breastfeeding, bottle feeding, diaper changes, sleep, playtime, and more. bebe.report ensures you have a complete record of your baby’s day.


Visualize with Charts

Logging is helpful, but making sense of it all with easy-to-read charts is even better. Our app provides beautifully designed charts to help you monitor your baby's progress and patterns over time.


Collaborate with Caregivers

Whether it’s your partner, nanny, or pediatrician, bebe.report makes it easy for everyone involved in your baby’s care to access and log activities, ensuring the whole team is aligned.

Contact Us

Try bebe.report today and let us know how it’s working for you.

This tool has made a difference for us, and we’re sure it can do the same for you!

Email Us

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